Welcome to the quirky world of Viva Lundin Productions.

Imagination Released
Welcome to the award-winning world of VIVA LUNDIN PRODUCTIONS. We collaborate with top designers, immersive experience producers, writers and producers to create highly original and compelling films, immersive experiences, television and digital series.
We're seasoned producers of highly persuasive content to move the needle on elections, increase organ donation and inspire the next generation of environmental activists.
If you have an idea and would like to work with VIVA LUNDIN PRODUCTIONS, please get in touch.
Produced by Viva Lundin Productions
Citizen Kate Teaser 2008
Citizen Kate Teaser 2008
Flip It Blue Campaign
"Jens Jensen The Living Green" Promo for Earth Day
The WORST Travel Show Teaser
Hard Work Pays off -
a sampling of some of our awards
Jens Jensen The Living Green
"A film that needs to be seen"
American Soc. of Landscape Architects, Communications Award
When Chicago was considered the worst place on earth to live, Jens Jensen created naturalistic landscapes to mimic the feeling of being in nature. He battled endemic corruption and titans of industry to save the dunes of Indiana. It was to become the first National Park but it took over 100 years, but it is now the Indiana Dunes National Park.
Set up a screening with the filmmaker and friends on the newly appreciated
value of nature, re-wilding, native plants, and inspiring the next generation of leaders.
Awards & Recognition

Jens Jensen The Living Green Documentary Film Awards
2013 - 2017
American Soc. of Landscape Architects: National Communications Award.
Chicago International Film Fest: Silver Hugo
The Explorers Museum: Most Inspirational
Accolade: Award of Excellence
Official Selection: IDFA, Studio City, One Earth Film Festival; Fort Myers International Film fest.
Green Bay Film Festival: Best Director, Best Film, Audience Award
Most Effective Organ Donor Campaign
A protracted, heartfelt campaign lasting over 10 years, this campaign raised organ donor registry rates to the highest in the nation.
A decade later, I would donate my husband's organs after he had appeared in most of the spots. I could not have been happier to donate.

The Worst Travel Show:
Best Comedy Awards
Official Selection: Ft. Worth Indie Film Showcase, Web Series Fest Global, ITVF;
Winner, HIMPFF

In Development
Hard Work Pays off -
a sampling of some of our awards

comedy meets journalism on the presidential campaign.
a comedy docuseries

Democracy is a participation sport.
Daily talkshow. A no-holds barred discussion of top trending social media stories with particular focus on the real meaning of the tweets of @RealDonaldTrump as interpreted by an eclectic group of journalists, experts, actors, comedians, songwriters and citizens.
In partnership with Bunnygraph Entertainment

Metamorphosis: We.Change.Everything.
immersive experience & game
Kids need to aspire to a more hopeful and green future - this series follows the adventures of a tween girl as she visits sites of the most climate impacted places on earth.
Partnership with Eye Q Productions.

Christmas Man
One man's mission to bring back the magic of Christmas.
The world's top private collector of Christmas props and costumes as well as creator of amazing fantasy rooms and experiences.